Free event will provide information for Greensboro’s Home Owners, Tenants, and New Comers
(June 19, 2014 - Greensboro, Ga.) Greensboro’s Community Housing Team will host a Housing Resource Fair from 10 am until 12 noon on Saturday, August 2, 2014 at Festival Hall in downtown Greensboro. The event is free and open to the public.
“The Greensboro Housing Fair will help connect Greensboro residents with resources to improve housing,” explains Greensboro’s Community Development Director Cail Hammons. “We plan to have information for homeowners, tenants and those who may be relocating to our city.”
(June 19, 2014 - Greensboro, Ga.) Greensboro’s Community Housing Team will host a Housing Resource Fair from 10 am until 12 noon on Saturday, August 2, 2014 at Festival Hall in downtown Greensboro. The event is free and open to the public.
“The Greensboro Housing Fair will help connect Greensboro residents with resources to improve housing,” explains Greensboro’s Community Development Director Cail Hammons. “We plan to have information for homeowners, tenants and those who may be relocating to our city.”
The housing fair will offer information from programs and agencies including: ATLAS Ministry, BankSouth Mortgage, the City of Greensboro, the Community Home Investment Program, the Greene County Chamber of Commerce, Greene County Habitat for Humanity, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Georgia Department of Labor, Georgia Dream, Georgia Housing Search, Fairway Management, HomeSafe Georgia.
“Community groups or agencies that provide information for home owners and city residents are invited to participate in the housing fair as an exhibitor,” says Hammons. Organizations may register to be a housing fair exhibitor online at www.greensborocommunityhousing.com.
The Greensboro Housing Resource Fair is presented by the Greensboro Community Housing Team. The Housing Team is working to revitalize Greensboro’s neighborhoods through participation in the Georgia Initiative for Community Housing.
Greensboro’s increased focus on the improvement of its residential areas was born out of redevelopment efforts that began on Main Street with the city’s Better Hometown Program more than 15 years ago. As these efforts matured, city leaders looked to encourage revitalization in the neighborhoods that surround downtown.
“Cities with healthy downtowns have thriving neighborhoods surrounding the core commercial district,” explains Hammons. “Housing is typically an important part of successful downtown development strategies.”
Greensboro was accepted into the state’s Georgia Initiative for Community Housing (GICH) program in 2013 and formed a local Community Housing Team to establish
goals and provide citizen input for the city’s neighborhood revitalization efforts. The Community Housing Team identified hosting a Housing Resource Fair as a way to connect Greensboro’s citizens with available housing resources.
For more information about Greensboro’s housing efforts or the Housing Resource Fair, visit www.greensborocommunityhousing.com or contact Cail Hammons at (706) 453-7674.
“Community groups or agencies that provide information for home owners and city residents are invited to participate in the housing fair as an exhibitor,” says Hammons. Organizations may register to be a housing fair exhibitor online at www.greensborocommunityhousing.com.
The Greensboro Housing Resource Fair is presented by the Greensboro Community Housing Team. The Housing Team is working to revitalize Greensboro’s neighborhoods through participation in the Georgia Initiative for Community Housing.
Greensboro’s increased focus on the improvement of its residential areas was born out of redevelopment efforts that began on Main Street with the city’s Better Hometown Program more than 15 years ago. As these efforts matured, city leaders looked to encourage revitalization in the neighborhoods that surround downtown.
“Cities with healthy downtowns have thriving neighborhoods surrounding the core commercial district,” explains Hammons. “Housing is typically an important part of successful downtown development strategies.”
Greensboro was accepted into the state’s Georgia Initiative for Community Housing (GICH) program in 2013 and formed a local Community Housing Team to establish
goals and provide citizen input for the city’s neighborhood revitalization efforts. The Community Housing Team identified hosting a Housing Resource Fair as a way to connect Greensboro’s citizens with available housing resources.
For more information about Greensboro’s housing efforts or the Housing Resource Fair, visit www.greensborocommunityhousing.com or contact Cail Hammons at (706) 453-7674.